A Few Reminders To Those Who Effectively Sentenced June Callwood To Hell In 1991 And Now Say They Want To Elevate Her To Heaven


A Few Reminders To Those Who Effectively Sentenced June Callwood to Hell in 1991 and Now Say That They Want to Elevate Her to Heaven

June Callwood, the revered Canadian social activist who died recently, has been effectively canonized over the past two weeks. Known admiringly as Saint June or Canada's Mother Teresa, Callwood undoubtedly deserves the innumerable tributes that she has received. However, many of the people who are now canonizing her should remember that they sent her to hell in 1991 and kept her there for many years. They should also recall the many others whom they have treated in the same way.

In 1974, Callwood had helped to establish Nellie's, one of 50 social organizations that she helped to found in her lifetime. Nellie's was a women's shelter in Toronto, only the second of its kind in that city at that time. Because of immigration over the years, the racial composition of Nellie's Board and Staff had changed considerably. By 1991, both Board and Staff had become “intensely divided by colour”. Instead of being thanked and respected for the important foundational work she had done, the accomplished writer Callwood came to be regarded as “a woman of privilege who was unwilling to share power”—despite the fact that she came from a humble background and had not even completed High School. When a black staff member at Nellie's rose to complain at a meeting about racism, Callwood argued forcefully with the woman about these allegations, dismissing the woman's charges, but other board members felt she was being overbearing and accused her of being insensitive to a woman of colour.

Seven years later, in a 1998 CBC Television interview, Callwood vividly described the situation that ensued: “The room erupted. People leaped to their feet yelling 'racist'.” She couldn't breathe. “…I was strangling,” she said. She left the room and not long after resigned from the Board. Callwood was especially hurt that her past “supporters” refused to come to her defence.

In the interview, she later said that she was shocked that nobody ever bothered even to ask what had happened. “That didn't seem to be the point,” she said. The accusation from the black staff member was accepted as truth and, in the minds of those who heard it, nothing else had to be added. In Callwood's words, “The point was that the hounds were after the fox”. Brute force would prevail.

Her husband Trent Frayne told her repeatedly. “Forget it. They're not worth it. It's not worth the trouble you're putting yourself through to be concerned. …. Anybody who knows you, knows that it's a bunch of baloney.”

A friend later commented: “Without question, June was besmirched in the public mind. … just the very fact that she had been accused made her almost radioactive….” Whenever a social activist event was scheduled at which Callwood might have been a highly suitable contributor, people hesitated to invite her.

“It'll be there till I die and it'll be a place in my obituaries. Every obituary that's more than two sentences long will say in the early 90's, she was accused of being a racist. It's as though it's true. Nobody says “'Why did those people accuse her of that ? What did she do? You didn't have to do anything in those days.”

Here are a few reminders for those who effectively sentenced June Callwood to Hell in 1991 (and for years afterward) and who now say that they want to elevate her to Heaven:

(1) June Callwood is not the only Canadian who has had to put up with aggressive, demanding behaviour from the newly-arrived and betrayal from her own people. A good many others have suffered the same fate. Although a number of recent immigrants accept Canada's institutions and positive heritage, and make a good effort to adapt, a significant number do not.

Aggressive behaviour similar to that of those who vilified June Callwood in 1991 is even more apparent now. Many Canadians find it hard to accept that Canada is susceptible to a violent terrorist threat such as a bombing or an attack similar to that of 9/11. However, many Canadians will agree that there is absolutely no doubt that psychological terrorism and intimidation are widely used throughout Canada in order to stifle discussion of the immigration issue. One of the major goals of people who use this tactic is to bring in more and more members of their groups with the ultimate purpose of having their population numbers catch up to those of the host population. In their view, any methods they can use to accomplish that end are acceptable.

Few politicians have had the courage to state the obvious: these groups have to accept their minority status. Period. If these groups refuse to do so, then they are admitting that they are committed to the goal of ethnic population catch-up.

(2) To succeed in bringing down people like June Callwood, these people require the help of members of the host population. And they have found willing assistants. They have actively recruited them from all parts of Canada's political spectrum, the CBC, some of the private media, and others.

As far as recruiting politically is concerned, ethnic recruiters have gone to all federal parties. As a result, although individuals in a number of federal parties have grave misgivings about current immigration policies, no federal party has had the courage to publicly oppose current unprecedented immigration levels which have been described as a disaster-in-progress. The behaviour of some provincial politicians is similar. Recently, politicians of every stripe appeared at a Sikh parade in Surrey, B.C. in which one of the men connected with the Air India disaster, the largest mass murder in Canadian history, was honoured and glorified for his actions. Although most of the politicians were unaware of the latter aspect of the parade, all have to admit that they were there in search of block votes. To coin a phrase: Vote Buyer, Beware.

With regard to the CBC, if the Russian psychologist Pavlov were living today, he would have found the brains of a number of people at Canada's CBC of considerable interest. Although there are also undoubtedly people there who do not approve of the CBC's pro-mass immigration policy, many have been conditioned to fall at the feet of any new arrival who accuses Canadians of discrimination.

This behaviour is an intermittent feature on the CBC's National. But it is an almost daily occurrence on CBC Radio Vancouver, which has to be one of the most sycophantic sections of the CBC. There, Canadians can hear the promotion of multiculturalism and the absurd charges of ethnic groups—all highly reminiscent of the attack on June Callwood. In the war for Canada, CBC Radio on Canada's West Coast demonstrates its position: grovelling obsequiously at the feet of the newly-arrived—seemingly unaware that sycophants are held in contempt by everyone.

Ethnic influence on the private media exists in forms both seen (Complaints, etc. are published) and unseen (Responses to complaints are not published.). Some in the private media have taken a courageous look at the immigration issue. Even The Toronto Star, which might be expected to behave like the CBC, has published some very insightful items on immigration.

Ethnic influence on “others” such as environmental groups is clear. “Others”, such as most environmental groups, regularly run to the darkest corners of the Earth when the immigration issue has to be discussed, behaving much like June Callwood's “supporters”. They have little to redeem themselves.

(3) Canadians have to remember what June Callwood said after the accusations against her and the betrayal of her by her supporters: “Nobody ever asked what had happened.” In other words, the bullies and thugs had triumphed and had actually been given the higher moral ground. Fearing ostracism, Callwood's “supporters” had allowed their brains to stop thinking. They had accepted psychological terrorism and intimidation as legitimate parts of debate. Nothing that June Callwood said was relevant or important. The bully and the thug had to be right. Summary execution had to be correct.

Obviously, it was cowardly for June Callwood's former “supporters” to have behaved in this conditioned way in 1991 and for years later–just as it has been cowardly for numerous other Canadians to have allied themselves with newly-arrived bullies and thugs and to have treated their fellow Canadians as “supporters” treated Callwood.

As June Callwood would have said: The psychological terrorism and intimidation that have surrounded discussion of any issue (the mass immigration issue in particular) have to be relegated to the shallow, benighted and brute level where they belong. The people who have used these tactics have to be accorded their just desserts.

The sooner the better.